Our second Open Show was held on May 2nd 2015 at the Kennel Club Building in Stoneleigh.
Results and Critique as well as photos can be found below.
Results and Critique as well as photos can be found below.
Main Show
Judge Heather Rose
MPD (0,0)
P (1,0)
1. Smillie-Gray’s Valger Quazer At Oakeberrow. Balanced head with plenty of work, dark eye with lovely expression. Good length of neck & shoulder placement. Moves out well, just drops his topline on the move which lost him BPIS.
JD (3,1) 1.Smillie-Gray’s Valger Quazer At Oakberrow. 2. Reilly’s Smilek Idyllic Idwal. Beautiful head on this boy just a bit light in eye but this should darken, stood and moved well but preferred the shape of 1. ND (1,0) 1.Smillie-Gray’s Valger Quazer At Oakberrow.
PGD (4,2) 1.Hammond’s Xsepshunall Merlot Of Southmead, Nice head, good lay of shoulder. Harsh coat & well muscled. Moved OK. 2. Field’s Leanstown Cure The Blues Of Deepthatch. Unfortunately this boy wasn’t at his happiest today. He stood and moved OK but I preferred the overall showmanship of 1.
LD (2,0)
1 Thompson’s Redmires High Society, Workman like dog, not the flashiest of dogs but is well constructed and looks as though he could work all day. The most handsome of heads with a typical expression, strong neck into well laid shoulders, firm backed & well angled. Moves with power & drive, considered for RBD. 2 Cure’s Hillanhi Snowstorm. Well proportioned skull though eyes a bit light. Good front angles and holds his topline, he just didn’t excite on the move.
OD (3,1)
1 RBD Drysdale’s Ch Barleyarch Farthing At Drysika JW ShCm. I can see why this boy has done so much winning. Delightful head with soft, gentle expression. Strong neck. Excellent bone. Good topline and tail carriage. Well muscled up & in hard condition with a harsh coat. Sound mover who covers the ground well, just lacking in rear angulation, which lost him BD. 2 Braine’s Kenine March To Victory ShCm, Strong neck and shoulders well boned with a deep chest. Would benefit from carrying less weight. Moved OK but a bit over excitable.
SWGD (2,1)
1.Drysdale’s Ch Barleyarch Farthing At Drysika JW ShCm.
VD (2,1)
1, BD, RBIS, BVIS Adams’ Sh Ch Barleyarch Alvar JW ShCm, A dog I’ve admired for some time. He has such a typical head and so handsome. Well angulated front and rear. Good topline, strong loin and correct tail set. Despite being a veteran he moved around the ring effortlessly. Overall a strong, masculine dog without any exaggeration. Pushed hard for BIS.
MPB (1,0)
1, Rusk’s Marran Blue Moon Over Booton. Still very much a baby & a bit unsettled at the moment. Just needs to get used to the show environment.
PB (1,0)
1, BPIS Balvenie Bella. A nice tidy puppy who makes a pleasing outline. Sound on the move and really excels in side movement. Feminine head, eyes a little light in colour at the moment but this should change.
JB (7,2)
1 Whitehouse’s Kazanpaul Crème De La Crème. A close decision between 1 & 2, I just preferred the overall shape and tail carriage of 1. Nicely balanced bitch, lovely head and soft expression, well angled front and rear quarters. Moves true. 2. Roden’s High High Jingle Bells At Keigame (Imp Mal) This bitch surprised me, a dog who certainly benefits from hands on examination. She has a good shape to her. Deep chested, well muscled. Moves well and really impresses in profile movement. 3 Hardcastle’s Arbourtrees Elm View. NB (3,1)
1.Keigame’s High High Jingle Bells At Keigame (Imp Mal). 2. Balvenie Bella.
PGB (5,2)
1. RBB Elrington’s Barleyarch Beetle At Tequesta. This girl gets better with age, and is another who surprised me when I saw her today. Feminine head & expression. Strong neck, good layback of shoulder and correct topline, tail set and bend of stifle. In top condition, harsh coat and well muscled. Moves well. 2 Heath’s Barleyarch Ladybird At Pinseeker. Litter sister to 1 who shares some of the same attributes as her sibling, would just prefer more angulation in front and rear. 3 Malmelsa Flirty Fleuri. LB (3,0)
1.Rummney’s Kacela Sweet Kanzi. Attractive head with dark eye, clean neck and well laid shoulders. Deep chest, strong topline and correct tail set. Good angles, moved well. 2 Brown’s Barleyarch Tigernut At Graygees, a bitch I have admired from the ringside but felt today that she was not at her best as was carrying too much weight which spoilt her outline, nethertheless a quality bitch who moves well. 3, Field’s Deepthatch Pocana.
OB (5,1)
1 BB, BIS Squire’s Sh Ch Taftazini Wilshee Win Too JW. I have loved this bitch since I first saw her. She oozes quality and is just the type of dog you look forward to judging. Beautiful feminine head with a dark eye and soft expression. Strong neck leading down into correctly placed shoulders. Deep chest, well sprung ribs. Level topline and tail set, stifles well bent. Well muscled throughout. Coat in excellent harsh condition. Moves around the ring with power, drive and determination. 2 Coe & Pitman’s Int Sh Ch, Lux Ch, NL Ch Pitwit Leona, Not a dog who immediately catches your eye but has a lot of pleasant qualities. Sweet head and expression, well angulated front and rear, moves out well. 3, Roden’s Sh Ch Keigame Concerto JW. SWGB (3,0)
1. Brown’s Barleyarch Tigernut At Graygees. 2.Coe & Pitman’s Int Sh Ch, Lux Ch, NL Ch Pitwit Leona. 3 Field’s Deepthatch Pocona.
VB (6,1)
1, Rumney’s Sh Ch Keigame Sweet Melody. This girl was an easy winner. She makes a beautiful shape. Feminine head, dark eye. Well angulated fore and aft. Strong topline & good tail set. A pleasure to watch on the move. 2. Squire’s Sh Ch Winterwell Dolly Wagon Via Taftazini. In great condition for a 12 year old, still sound on the move. Beautiful head and expression, in good condition. 3. Gardiner’s Kilnrae Gretel.
Judge Heather Rose
MPD (0,0)
P (1,0)
1. Smillie-Gray’s Valger Quazer At Oakeberrow. Balanced head with plenty of work, dark eye with lovely expression. Good length of neck & shoulder placement. Moves out well, just drops his topline on the move which lost him BPIS.
JD (3,1) 1.Smillie-Gray’s Valger Quazer At Oakberrow. 2. Reilly’s Smilek Idyllic Idwal. Beautiful head on this boy just a bit light in eye but this should darken, stood and moved well but preferred the shape of 1. ND (1,0) 1.Smillie-Gray’s Valger Quazer At Oakberrow.
PGD (4,2) 1.Hammond’s Xsepshunall Merlot Of Southmead, Nice head, good lay of shoulder. Harsh coat & well muscled. Moved OK. 2. Field’s Leanstown Cure The Blues Of Deepthatch. Unfortunately this boy wasn’t at his happiest today. He stood and moved OK but I preferred the overall showmanship of 1.
LD (2,0)
1 Thompson’s Redmires High Society, Workman like dog, not the flashiest of dogs but is well constructed and looks as though he could work all day. The most handsome of heads with a typical expression, strong neck into well laid shoulders, firm backed & well angled. Moves with power & drive, considered for RBD. 2 Cure’s Hillanhi Snowstorm. Well proportioned skull though eyes a bit light. Good front angles and holds his topline, he just didn’t excite on the move.
OD (3,1)
1 RBD Drysdale’s Ch Barleyarch Farthing At Drysika JW ShCm. I can see why this boy has done so much winning. Delightful head with soft, gentle expression. Strong neck. Excellent bone. Good topline and tail carriage. Well muscled up & in hard condition with a harsh coat. Sound mover who covers the ground well, just lacking in rear angulation, which lost him BD. 2 Braine’s Kenine March To Victory ShCm, Strong neck and shoulders well boned with a deep chest. Would benefit from carrying less weight. Moved OK but a bit over excitable.
SWGD (2,1)
1.Drysdale’s Ch Barleyarch Farthing At Drysika JW ShCm.
VD (2,1)
1, BD, RBIS, BVIS Adams’ Sh Ch Barleyarch Alvar JW ShCm, A dog I’ve admired for some time. He has such a typical head and so handsome. Well angulated front and rear. Good topline, strong loin and correct tail set. Despite being a veteran he moved around the ring effortlessly. Overall a strong, masculine dog without any exaggeration. Pushed hard for BIS.
MPB (1,0)
1, Rusk’s Marran Blue Moon Over Booton. Still very much a baby & a bit unsettled at the moment. Just needs to get used to the show environment.
PB (1,0)
1, BPIS Balvenie Bella. A nice tidy puppy who makes a pleasing outline. Sound on the move and really excels in side movement. Feminine head, eyes a little light in colour at the moment but this should change.
JB (7,2)
1 Whitehouse’s Kazanpaul Crème De La Crème. A close decision between 1 & 2, I just preferred the overall shape and tail carriage of 1. Nicely balanced bitch, lovely head and soft expression, well angled front and rear quarters. Moves true. 2. Roden’s High High Jingle Bells At Keigame (Imp Mal) This bitch surprised me, a dog who certainly benefits from hands on examination. She has a good shape to her. Deep chested, well muscled. Moves well and really impresses in profile movement. 3 Hardcastle’s Arbourtrees Elm View. NB (3,1)
1.Keigame’s High High Jingle Bells At Keigame (Imp Mal). 2. Balvenie Bella.
PGB (5,2)
1. RBB Elrington’s Barleyarch Beetle At Tequesta. This girl gets better with age, and is another who surprised me when I saw her today. Feminine head & expression. Strong neck, good layback of shoulder and correct topline, tail set and bend of stifle. In top condition, harsh coat and well muscled. Moves well. 2 Heath’s Barleyarch Ladybird At Pinseeker. Litter sister to 1 who shares some of the same attributes as her sibling, would just prefer more angulation in front and rear. 3 Malmelsa Flirty Fleuri. LB (3,0)
1.Rummney’s Kacela Sweet Kanzi. Attractive head with dark eye, clean neck and well laid shoulders. Deep chest, strong topline and correct tail set. Good angles, moved well. 2 Brown’s Barleyarch Tigernut At Graygees, a bitch I have admired from the ringside but felt today that she was not at her best as was carrying too much weight which spoilt her outline, nethertheless a quality bitch who moves well. 3, Field’s Deepthatch Pocana.
OB (5,1)
1 BB, BIS Squire’s Sh Ch Taftazini Wilshee Win Too JW. I have loved this bitch since I first saw her. She oozes quality and is just the type of dog you look forward to judging. Beautiful feminine head with a dark eye and soft expression. Strong neck leading down into correctly placed shoulders. Deep chest, well sprung ribs. Level topline and tail set, stifles well bent. Well muscled throughout. Coat in excellent harsh condition. Moves around the ring with power, drive and determination. 2 Coe & Pitman’s Int Sh Ch, Lux Ch, NL Ch Pitwit Leona, Not a dog who immediately catches your eye but has a lot of pleasant qualities. Sweet head and expression, well angulated front and rear, moves out well. 3, Roden’s Sh Ch Keigame Concerto JW. SWGB (3,0)
1. Brown’s Barleyarch Tigernut At Graygees. 2.Coe & Pitman’s Int Sh Ch, Lux Ch, NL Ch Pitwit Leona. 3 Field’s Deepthatch Pocona.
VB (6,1)
1, Rumney’s Sh Ch Keigame Sweet Melody. This girl was an easy winner. She makes a beautiful shape. Feminine head, dark eye. Well angulated fore and aft. Strong topline & good tail set. A pleasure to watch on the move. 2. Squire’s Sh Ch Winterwell Dolly Wagon Via Taftazini. In great condition for a 12 year old, still sound on the move. Beautiful head and expression, in good condition. 3. Gardiner’s Kilnrae Gretel.
Carina Smillie Memorial Special Award Classes
Judge Su Porter
It was a privilege to be asked to judge the Carina Smillie award classes, as she was one of the most helpful and friendly people in the breed when I started.
Special Award Class Junior 10 4a
1st Schoneville’s Balvenie Bella
Good head proportions, eye just needs to darken. Nice reach of neck into well placed shoulders. Elbows close fitting, straight front and good feet. Nice top line with a gentle slope over croup to tail. Stifles well bent and straight hocks when viewed from rear. Moved out very well for a baby.
2nd Whitehouse’s Kazanpaul Crème De La Crème
Another lovely youngster just preferred overall balance of one.
3rd Smillie-Gray’s Valger Quazar At Oakberrow
Special Post Grad 6 2a
1st Heath’s Barleyarch Ladybird At Pinseeker
Lovely looking bitch. Beautiful head, super neck into shoulders. Straight front, nice bone and feet. Deep through chest. Good width to thigh. Moved soundly front and back.
2nd Elrington’s Barleyarch Beetle At Tequesta
These two bitches were easily my first and second, and what a decision to make, both top draw and the splitting hair decision came down to preference on heads.
3rd Fields Deepthatch Pocana
Special Open 10 3a
1st Drysdale’s Sh Ch Barleyarch Farthing At Drysika JW ShCM
A lovely sound dog, his movement front and back was the truest of the day, and his side action effortlessly eats the ground up. He has a balanced outline and a handsome head and his coat was spot on. Best Overall Stakes Winner.
2nd Brown’s Barleyarch Tigernut At Graygees
Never seen this bitch before, loved her she screamed quality and pushed 1.
3rd Squires Sh Ch Taftazini Wilshee Wyn Too JW
Judge Su Porter
It was a privilege to be asked to judge the Carina Smillie award classes, as she was one of the most helpful and friendly people in the breed when I started.
Special Award Class Junior 10 4a
1st Schoneville’s Balvenie Bella
Good head proportions, eye just needs to darken. Nice reach of neck into well placed shoulders. Elbows close fitting, straight front and good feet. Nice top line with a gentle slope over croup to tail. Stifles well bent and straight hocks when viewed from rear. Moved out very well for a baby.
2nd Whitehouse’s Kazanpaul Crème De La Crème
Another lovely youngster just preferred overall balance of one.
3rd Smillie-Gray’s Valger Quazar At Oakberrow
Special Post Grad 6 2a
1st Heath’s Barleyarch Ladybird At Pinseeker
Lovely looking bitch. Beautiful head, super neck into shoulders. Straight front, nice bone and feet. Deep through chest. Good width to thigh. Moved soundly front and back.
2nd Elrington’s Barleyarch Beetle At Tequesta
These two bitches were easily my first and second, and what a decision to make, both top draw and the splitting hair decision came down to preference on heads.
3rd Fields Deepthatch Pocana
Special Open 10 3a
1st Drysdale’s Sh Ch Barleyarch Farthing At Drysika JW ShCM
A lovely sound dog, his movement front and back was the truest of the day, and his side action effortlessly eats the ground up. He has a balanced outline and a handsome head and his coat was spot on. Best Overall Stakes Winner.
2nd Brown’s Barleyarch Tigernut At Graygees
Never seen this bitch before, loved her she screamed quality and pushed 1.
3rd Squires Sh Ch Taftazini Wilshee Wyn Too JW