Our second Open Show was held on May 4th 2014 at the Kennel Club Building in Stoneleigh.
Results and Critique can be found below.
Results and Critique can be found below.
Main Show
Judge Karen Marsh
I would like to thank the committee for the opportunity to judge this extremely well run show today, there were some really wonderful exhibit s& I was very pleased with my challenge line ups. There are a lot of nice puppies & young dogs which is exciting for the future. Thank you also to my stewards who kept me in order.
BIS was Barleyarch Peanut; BP, Malmelsa Flirty Fleuri; & BV, Koolwaters Accolade.
MPD (4,1a) 1 Brown & Davies’ Gamebourne Dark Indulgence, very raw, unsettled, balanced overall, prefer a little more angulation, good coat, temperament, lovely tailset, nice forechest, nice feet, very expressive eyes, good topline; 2 Tarrant & Powell’s Malmelsa Romancing Romeo at Pawnic, loved the forehand very well developed conformation of this boy, just felt he needs to strengthen behind to give a balanced picture Good coat with excellent texture, nice dentition. Happy demeanour; 3 Clinton’s Kavacanne A Tango for Oramiss.
PD (1) 1 M Romancing Romeo at P, slightly steadier on the move here, very happy demeanour.
JD (3) 1 Pearson’s Ladyhawke Sultan, short back, lovely angulation, best mover in the class, good head with strong dentition, I hope the eyes darken a little more. Firm topline, very nice tight feet, on straight front legs, moved with strong muscular hind action. One I will watch with interest; 2 Mould& Bird’s Koolwaters Cream Cracker, larger dog than one, well developed in body, firm topline. Preferred the head & expression of one. Moved steadily with strong hind movement covering the ground well; 3 Hamlin’s The Bisto Kid at Nuash.
ND (1) 1 K Cream Cracker, giving handler a hard time today. PGD (5,2) 1 L Sultan; 2 Hammond, Gulliford & Jefferies’ Xsepsunall Merlot of Southmead, nice dog but a little unsettled today. He is a lovely short coupled boy, good firm topline, with excellent strength in muscletone, straight front legs, tight feet with well arched toes. Needs to strengthen behind; 3 Field’s Leanstown Cure The Blues of Deepthatch.
LD (8) 1 Reddyhough & O’Flaherty’s Isara Kurzhaar Wieser, two showy dogs I felt 1 had better overall balance than 2. This boy had a masculine head with soft expression, correct dentition, strong neck into well laid shoulders, plenty of forechest & depth of chest. Handler tending to overstretch him slightly. Movement is impressive when controlled & in the challenge for BOB his enthusiasm overtook him & he could not match the control of the young bitch. BD, BOS; 2 Hamlin’s Mercury Seeker at Nuash, another flashy boy super steady movement, lovely tailset slightly longer in muzzle than 1 good earset& eye shape. Strong striding movement out across the ring a lot to like; 3 Hammond & Cooke’s Seasham Jumpin Jack Flash.
OD (6,2) 1 Adams & Elrington’s Sh Ch Barleyarch Alvar, two very impressive males, 1 more substance, although I like the overall outline of number two. This boy is an honest male, nothing flashy about this one other than his ring presence as his movement commands attention, true driving action covering the round so easily it was steady & effortless. RBD; 2 Rose & Gaffney’s Sh Ch Dutch Ch Kavacanne Toff At The Top, a smaller dog overall, great head & expression his topline was not as strong as one today & he was overreaching on the move which caused him to move wide behind. Well balanced in angulation & great coat & condition; 3 Smillie’s Sh Ch Oakberrow Wotzinaname.
VD (6) Dogs in their prime. 1 K Accolade, move really well today, it is not a secret that this boy is a favourite of mine, plenty of showmanship very alert & in tune with his handler. Lovely forehand with plenty of forechest, strong firm topline & good tailset. Great width to his thighs & today his movement was excellent& eyecatching. A very worthy champion. BV; 2 Smith’s Jennaline Hugh Dunnit, very impressive boy, handled very sympathetically moved steadily around the ring. He has this look at me quality which draws the eye but felt he was not as balanced in one. Stronger in head but good expression, strong neck into well laid shoulders & firm topline. Great depth & strong loin, would like a little more turn of stifle. Lovely veteran; 3 Potter’s Ivoravon Snow Storm.
MPB (4,1) 1 Gardiner’s Malmelsa Flirty Fleuri, what a little treasure, this young lady was just my type of bitch showing more maturity in body than the other puppies in this class. Course coat, good depth of chest, with sufficient forechest, nice bone, straight front, pretty head with dark eyes & gentle expression, giving her handler a hard time but free stood beautifully with good tailset. Needs to tighten in front but she is still a baby with plenty of time, her hind movement was true & she drove from behind covering the ground well. One I will watch with interest. BPB & BP; 2 Heath’s Barleyarch Ladybird at Pinseeker, not quite as balanced as one & preferred the width of thigh on one. Another lovely head, good eye shape, eyes need to darken, but lovely expression, well arched neck, good topline & strong hindquarters already showing good muscletone. Up on her legs at the moment just needs to fill out, liked her markings which enhance her good angulation; 3 Gain & Dixon’s Kavacanne A Vimto.
PB (1) 1 Wannell’s Robglen Argentine Tango, fit athletic puppy, excellent muscletone. Very raw but all essentials are there, moved steadily, straight front legs, a little short in upper arm, good turn of stifle & width of thigh, strong hocks. Good course coat. Eyes need to darken a little more. Pleasant expression, good dentition. Just needs time. JB (4,2) 1 Rose’s Kavacanne Blowin A Gale, another nice bitch, good head with correct Roman nose, giving kind expression with nice length to neck. Would like a little more length to upper arm for overall balance but has nice forechest. Superb hindquarters with excellent width of thigh, giving plenty of strength which she use to provide a strong driving action; 2 Clark’s Thruscross Spangler, well up for size, hopefully she has done her growing now. Good coat & condition, not so settled in the stand as she was pulling back which spoilt the nice arch of her neck & overall outline. She was well muscled & good width of thigh giving her some lovely strong movement.
NB (4) 1 M Flirty Fleuri; 2 T Spangler; 3 K A Vimto.
PGB (7,1) Two very smart young ladies headed this class. 1 Harris’ Barleyarch Peanut, what a lovely package, just right in my opinion, loved her shape & size. Beautiful head & expression, neck arched into well laid shoulders & firm topline. Nice length to back & strong loin. Correct forechest & depth to brisket, front legs straight & strong & excellent width to thigh, short strong hocks which propelled her driving movement. I could go on but suffice to say I would certainly take this young lady home! BB, BIS; 2 Pearson’s Ladyhawke California Star, another quality bitch from this kennel, again nice overall shape & size, she needs to be handled to appreciate her conformation as her markings can give a false picture. Many similar qualities to one she was shown in great coat & condition; 3 T Spangler.
LB (10,4) 1 Rumney’s Kacela Sweet Kanzi, a new one to me, absolutely delightful really well balanced& fit, soft expression, good leathers dark eyes, straight front legs, lovely feet, sufficient forechest, good tailset, nice turn of stifle, tight feet, moved elegantly an smoothly. RBB; 2 Mould & Bird’s Koolwaters Calamity Jane, larger in size. Good head & neck into well laid shoulders, not quite as strong in topline as one being a little longer overall. Good width to thigh & well developed muscles. Moved well Preferred the femininity of one; 3 Freworth Firenze.
OB (9,1) 1 Harris’ Sh Ch Barleyarch Piper, wonderful class headed by a beautiful quality bitch that exudes quality & was an easy winner of this class. Pretty head, well shaped muzzle, low set ears, strong neck into well laid shoulders, front legs straight & true, tight well arched feet, nice sweep to her stifle & great coat & condition, in the challenge preferred the overall size of her kennel mate; 2 Rumney’s Keigame Sweet Melody, another good bitch, slightly bigger than one but still a feminine GSP. Good length to her neck with well laid shoulders & balanced hind angulation, strong straight hocks which she used on the move. Nice overall length to body & strong in the loin; 3 Sh Ch Dutch Ch Kavacanne Toff Talk.
Working Gundog (1) 1 Field’s Deepthatch Pocona, nice bitch definitely fit for function, not shown by her owner which I believe affected her movement as she was looking for her owner which affected her tracking on the move. Not carrying any excess weight, but in fine coat & condition. VB (3) 1 Roden’s Sh Ch Keigame Precious, two wonderful ladies. Better topline than two. Both one & two could out move some of the youngsters today, lovely examples of the breed. This girl showed her socks off, moving out well on tight feet, she still has excellent muscletone & condition; 2 Mould & Bird’s Koolwaters Chaos, another favourite of mine, also shown in great condition, just lost out on her topline today; 3 Small’s Tilmoray Tabitha
Judge Karen Marsh
I would like to thank the committee for the opportunity to judge this extremely well run show today, there were some really wonderful exhibit s& I was very pleased with my challenge line ups. There are a lot of nice puppies & young dogs which is exciting for the future. Thank you also to my stewards who kept me in order.
BIS was Barleyarch Peanut; BP, Malmelsa Flirty Fleuri; & BV, Koolwaters Accolade.
MPD (4,1a) 1 Brown & Davies’ Gamebourne Dark Indulgence, very raw, unsettled, balanced overall, prefer a little more angulation, good coat, temperament, lovely tailset, nice forechest, nice feet, very expressive eyes, good topline; 2 Tarrant & Powell’s Malmelsa Romancing Romeo at Pawnic, loved the forehand very well developed conformation of this boy, just felt he needs to strengthen behind to give a balanced picture Good coat with excellent texture, nice dentition. Happy demeanour; 3 Clinton’s Kavacanne A Tango for Oramiss.
PD (1) 1 M Romancing Romeo at P, slightly steadier on the move here, very happy demeanour.
JD (3) 1 Pearson’s Ladyhawke Sultan, short back, lovely angulation, best mover in the class, good head with strong dentition, I hope the eyes darken a little more. Firm topline, very nice tight feet, on straight front legs, moved with strong muscular hind action. One I will watch with interest; 2 Mould& Bird’s Koolwaters Cream Cracker, larger dog than one, well developed in body, firm topline. Preferred the head & expression of one. Moved steadily with strong hind movement covering the ground well; 3 Hamlin’s The Bisto Kid at Nuash.
ND (1) 1 K Cream Cracker, giving handler a hard time today. PGD (5,2) 1 L Sultan; 2 Hammond, Gulliford & Jefferies’ Xsepsunall Merlot of Southmead, nice dog but a little unsettled today. He is a lovely short coupled boy, good firm topline, with excellent strength in muscletone, straight front legs, tight feet with well arched toes. Needs to strengthen behind; 3 Field’s Leanstown Cure The Blues of Deepthatch.
LD (8) 1 Reddyhough & O’Flaherty’s Isara Kurzhaar Wieser, two showy dogs I felt 1 had better overall balance than 2. This boy had a masculine head with soft expression, correct dentition, strong neck into well laid shoulders, plenty of forechest & depth of chest. Handler tending to overstretch him slightly. Movement is impressive when controlled & in the challenge for BOB his enthusiasm overtook him & he could not match the control of the young bitch. BD, BOS; 2 Hamlin’s Mercury Seeker at Nuash, another flashy boy super steady movement, lovely tailset slightly longer in muzzle than 1 good earset& eye shape. Strong striding movement out across the ring a lot to like; 3 Hammond & Cooke’s Seasham Jumpin Jack Flash.
OD (6,2) 1 Adams & Elrington’s Sh Ch Barleyarch Alvar, two very impressive males, 1 more substance, although I like the overall outline of number two. This boy is an honest male, nothing flashy about this one other than his ring presence as his movement commands attention, true driving action covering the round so easily it was steady & effortless. RBD; 2 Rose & Gaffney’s Sh Ch Dutch Ch Kavacanne Toff At The Top, a smaller dog overall, great head & expression his topline was not as strong as one today & he was overreaching on the move which caused him to move wide behind. Well balanced in angulation & great coat & condition; 3 Smillie’s Sh Ch Oakberrow Wotzinaname.
VD (6) Dogs in their prime. 1 K Accolade, move really well today, it is not a secret that this boy is a favourite of mine, plenty of showmanship very alert & in tune with his handler. Lovely forehand with plenty of forechest, strong firm topline & good tailset. Great width to his thighs & today his movement was excellent& eyecatching. A very worthy champion. BV; 2 Smith’s Jennaline Hugh Dunnit, very impressive boy, handled very sympathetically moved steadily around the ring. He has this look at me quality which draws the eye but felt he was not as balanced in one. Stronger in head but good expression, strong neck into well laid shoulders & firm topline. Great depth & strong loin, would like a little more turn of stifle. Lovely veteran; 3 Potter’s Ivoravon Snow Storm.
MPB (4,1) 1 Gardiner’s Malmelsa Flirty Fleuri, what a little treasure, this young lady was just my type of bitch showing more maturity in body than the other puppies in this class. Course coat, good depth of chest, with sufficient forechest, nice bone, straight front, pretty head with dark eyes & gentle expression, giving her handler a hard time but free stood beautifully with good tailset. Needs to tighten in front but she is still a baby with plenty of time, her hind movement was true & she drove from behind covering the ground well. One I will watch with interest. BPB & BP; 2 Heath’s Barleyarch Ladybird at Pinseeker, not quite as balanced as one & preferred the width of thigh on one. Another lovely head, good eye shape, eyes need to darken, but lovely expression, well arched neck, good topline & strong hindquarters already showing good muscletone. Up on her legs at the moment just needs to fill out, liked her markings which enhance her good angulation; 3 Gain & Dixon’s Kavacanne A Vimto.
PB (1) 1 Wannell’s Robglen Argentine Tango, fit athletic puppy, excellent muscletone. Very raw but all essentials are there, moved steadily, straight front legs, a little short in upper arm, good turn of stifle & width of thigh, strong hocks. Good course coat. Eyes need to darken a little more. Pleasant expression, good dentition. Just needs time. JB (4,2) 1 Rose’s Kavacanne Blowin A Gale, another nice bitch, good head with correct Roman nose, giving kind expression with nice length to neck. Would like a little more length to upper arm for overall balance but has nice forechest. Superb hindquarters with excellent width of thigh, giving plenty of strength which she use to provide a strong driving action; 2 Clark’s Thruscross Spangler, well up for size, hopefully she has done her growing now. Good coat & condition, not so settled in the stand as she was pulling back which spoilt the nice arch of her neck & overall outline. She was well muscled & good width of thigh giving her some lovely strong movement.
NB (4) 1 M Flirty Fleuri; 2 T Spangler; 3 K A Vimto.
PGB (7,1) Two very smart young ladies headed this class. 1 Harris’ Barleyarch Peanut, what a lovely package, just right in my opinion, loved her shape & size. Beautiful head & expression, neck arched into well laid shoulders & firm topline. Nice length to back & strong loin. Correct forechest & depth to brisket, front legs straight & strong & excellent width to thigh, short strong hocks which propelled her driving movement. I could go on but suffice to say I would certainly take this young lady home! BB, BIS; 2 Pearson’s Ladyhawke California Star, another quality bitch from this kennel, again nice overall shape & size, she needs to be handled to appreciate her conformation as her markings can give a false picture. Many similar qualities to one she was shown in great coat & condition; 3 T Spangler.
LB (10,4) 1 Rumney’s Kacela Sweet Kanzi, a new one to me, absolutely delightful really well balanced& fit, soft expression, good leathers dark eyes, straight front legs, lovely feet, sufficient forechest, good tailset, nice turn of stifle, tight feet, moved elegantly an smoothly. RBB; 2 Mould & Bird’s Koolwaters Calamity Jane, larger in size. Good head & neck into well laid shoulders, not quite as strong in topline as one being a little longer overall. Good width to thigh & well developed muscles. Moved well Preferred the femininity of one; 3 Freworth Firenze.
OB (9,1) 1 Harris’ Sh Ch Barleyarch Piper, wonderful class headed by a beautiful quality bitch that exudes quality & was an easy winner of this class. Pretty head, well shaped muzzle, low set ears, strong neck into well laid shoulders, front legs straight & true, tight well arched feet, nice sweep to her stifle & great coat & condition, in the challenge preferred the overall size of her kennel mate; 2 Rumney’s Keigame Sweet Melody, another good bitch, slightly bigger than one but still a feminine GSP. Good length to her neck with well laid shoulders & balanced hind angulation, strong straight hocks which she used on the move. Nice overall length to body & strong in the loin; 3 Sh Ch Dutch Ch Kavacanne Toff Talk.
Working Gundog (1) 1 Field’s Deepthatch Pocona, nice bitch definitely fit for function, not shown by her owner which I believe affected her movement as she was looking for her owner which affected her tracking on the move. Not carrying any excess weight, but in fine coat & condition. VB (3) 1 Roden’s Sh Ch Keigame Precious, two wonderful ladies. Better topline than two. Both one & two could out move some of the youngsters today, lovely examples of the breed. This girl showed her socks off, moving out well on tight feet, she still has excellent muscletone & condition; 2 Mould & Bird’s Koolwaters Chaos, another favourite of mine, also shown in great condition, just lost out on her topline today; 3 Small’s Tilmoray Tabitha
Carina Smillie Memorial Special Awards Classes
Judge: Claire Sharp
It was a real honour to be asked to judge these classes especially as they are in memory of Carina Smillie - someone I highly regarded. Many thanks to the committee for their exceptional hospitality and to the exhibitors for blessing me with such a quality entry.
Special Awards Junior (11 entries, 4 absent) 1st. Rose's Kavacanne Blowin A Gale JW A quality youngster with a lovely head. Good neck into well laid shoulders, good topline, well angulated rear and moved beautifully. Coat of correct texture and standing on good feet. 2nd. Gain & Dixon's Kavacanne A Vimto Very sweet girl with a lovely head, well constructed all through I just preferred the shorter body length of my winner. Moved soundly. 3rd. Tarrant & Powell's Malmelsa Romancing Romeo at Pawnic
Special Awards Post Graduate (5 entries, 3 absent) 1st. Harris' Barleyarch Peanut Feminine head with good eye colour, correct ear set. So very typical in profile and a lovely crisp coat. She moved soundly. 2nd. Pearson's Ladyhawke California Star On the initial stack, I found this impressive. A very well put together bitch who moves with excellent ground covering action. For me, just a little too "doggy".
Special Awards Open (21 entries, 10 absent) This was a fantastic class to judge with so much quality in it that I was really splitting hairs.
1st & Best Overall. Smith's Jennaline Hugh Dunnit ShCM This is a dog that just oozes quality. He is all male with the handsomest of heads, good neck into well laid shoulders, good length of upper arm, good depth of brisket, correct topline/tailset, well angulated rear and standing on good bone and feet. He was in tip top condition, handled to perfection and moved round the ring as though he owned it. It's a travesty that this dog hasn't got his title. 2nd. Rose & Gaffney's Sh Ch Ned Ch Kavacanne Toff at the Top JW ShCM Another upstanding quality male who is so very well put together. Handled beautifully and the soundest of movers but today, couldn't match 1 for showmanship. 3rd. Adams & Elrington's Sh Ch Barleyarch Alvar JW ShCM
Judge: Claire Sharp
It was a real honour to be asked to judge these classes especially as they are in memory of Carina Smillie - someone I highly regarded. Many thanks to the committee for their exceptional hospitality and to the exhibitors for blessing me with such a quality entry.
Special Awards Junior (11 entries, 4 absent) 1st. Rose's Kavacanne Blowin A Gale JW A quality youngster with a lovely head. Good neck into well laid shoulders, good topline, well angulated rear and moved beautifully. Coat of correct texture and standing on good feet. 2nd. Gain & Dixon's Kavacanne A Vimto Very sweet girl with a lovely head, well constructed all through I just preferred the shorter body length of my winner. Moved soundly. 3rd. Tarrant & Powell's Malmelsa Romancing Romeo at Pawnic
Special Awards Post Graduate (5 entries, 3 absent) 1st. Harris' Barleyarch Peanut Feminine head with good eye colour, correct ear set. So very typical in profile and a lovely crisp coat. She moved soundly. 2nd. Pearson's Ladyhawke California Star On the initial stack, I found this impressive. A very well put together bitch who moves with excellent ground covering action. For me, just a little too "doggy".
Special Awards Open (21 entries, 10 absent) This was a fantastic class to judge with so much quality in it that I was really splitting hairs.
1st & Best Overall. Smith's Jennaline Hugh Dunnit ShCM This is a dog that just oozes quality. He is all male with the handsomest of heads, good neck into well laid shoulders, good length of upper arm, good depth of brisket, correct topline/tailset, well angulated rear and standing on good bone and feet. He was in tip top condition, handled to perfection and moved round the ring as though he owned it. It's a travesty that this dog hasn't got his title. 2nd. Rose & Gaffney's Sh Ch Ned Ch Kavacanne Toff at the Top JW ShCM Another upstanding quality male who is so very well put together. Handled beautifully and the soundest of movers but today, couldn't match 1 for showmanship. 3rd. Adams & Elrington's Sh Ch Barleyarch Alvar JW ShCM